Corrugated Pizza Boxes

Widely used in the food service industry, corrugated boxes are popular for qualities like ease-of-use, reusability and portability. They are ideal for packaging processed foods.Corrugated pizza boxes help to keep pizzas fresh and free from damage, especially when they have to be transported from one place to another. Corrugated Pizza Boxes for Safe StoragePizzas stored in corrugated boxes are not easily damaged and are fully protected from different external factors such as moisture, vibration, shock, compression and much more. It is the type of material used in the making of pizza boxes and the actual construction of the box that make corrugated boxes ideal for storing pizzas. The corrugated board that is usually used for pizza boxes is single-wall corrugated. In this model, two outer sheets of flat paper (facings or liners) are pasted on to a fluted or corrugated inner sheet (medium). Compared to paperboard pizza boxes, corrugated pizza boxes provide substantial stacking strength, enhanced heat retention and greater protection against damage. The corrugated pizza box is also crush resistant. In other words, it can hold a hot pizza and will not be crushed when several boxes of pizzas are placed on top of it. Stacking strength depends on the way the pizza box is constructed and also on the fluting pattern and paper weight of the corrugated board. Corrugated pizza boxes are light and durable. The boxes come with excellent water proof features and are resistant to stains and grease. The boxes come in many different sizes, styles and designs. The high quality printed models are very popular. Online Retailers for Bulk Purchases

There is an extensive range of corrugated pizza boxes in the market. When buying a stock of boxes for your pizzeria, the best option would be to shop online. You can compare prices and features of different models and make a proper choice. Besides, making bulk purchases from online suppliers would get you good discounts.
Par helenprinting le vendredi 25 mars 2011


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