Experience of corrugated boxes production

  Introduction Dialectical materialism that labor created man. The survival of today's society is inseparable from the production of human activities, and all production activities are inseparable from the product packaging, ancient and modern are all true. The so-called packaging is defined as: "To protect the products in the circulation process, convenient store, to promote sales, according to certain technical methods and the use of containers, materials and auxiliary materials in general." Used in the packaging materials, Paper Packaging Industry to share maximum ratio of 45.25%, followed by other glass, plastic, wood and metal packaging. In the Paper Packaging Industry, the corrugated cardboard (box) packaging has the majority. Corrugated containers are functionally superior to other types of packaging with the 10 features:
structural plasticity of shape can be any cutting, punching, folding, etc.; packaging ease of use to use, light weight, clever structure, texture and flexibility; Rigid both the protective packaging can be between the ideal and the external force to protect medium; beautification products promotional variation to the system structure and a variety of beautiful decorative printing; mobile role can the suitability of different quantitative , different grades of base paper to produce different size of container; packaging cost of key materials for the base paper ; use of resources effectiveness compared to traditional wood products, corrugated base paper consumption of wood packaging, wood products accounted for only 30%; easy recycling of basic raw material for the base paper, can be easily recycled after use and recycled utilization of 75%; superior green of corrugated cardboard can be burned after use, no toxicity, rapid degradation, will not pollute the environment; storage and transportation economy because it is lightweight folding hardware package, you can load the effective use of space and transport positions.

Overview of the status of carton industry in China can be summarized in 12 words, namely: the rapid development of excess capacity, a bright future. Carton industry has experienced over the past 25 years, the first major change, from this year, will enter the second time of great change, the characteristics of this change is the adjustment.

Carton industry in China entered the primary stage of industrialization from 1995, when the production line 600; 2000 to 1600; to 2005 up to 4000.

1995 World corrugated boxes production is 110 400 000 000 m2, 2000 years 125 300 000 000 m2, 2003 years 139 500 000 000 m2, annual growth rate of 3.3%. World production in 2000 ranked the top three are: North America (34%), Asia (31%), Europe (27%). Corrugated board production in China is 7.4 billion in 1995 m2, 2000 had risen to 12.3 billion m2, 2003, while some 15.8 billion m2, 34% of total output in Asia, accounting for 11.3% of the world. From 1995 to 2000, China's average growth rate of paperboard production was 12%, the average world growth rate is 2%; from 2000 to 2003 annual growth rate of China's cardboard box was 9%, the world's annual growth rate is 3%. China's annual output is 8 billion in 1996 m2, and Japan, only half of 2003 was 15.8 billion m2, more than Japan.

More than five cartons of China more than 80% of the total, the United States accounted for 89.4% three cases, three Japanese and 84.6%, more than a waste of paper 2 with a two / 5 paper. This is because Western countries have recognized the need to conserve the limited timber resources. High strength, low weight of the base paper has become an inevitable trend.

Shanghai Tobacco Group has completed a cross-boundary joint reorganization, will become a subsidiary of China National Tobacco Corporation several leading enterprises in recent years. As their major professional supporting factory of tobacco Material Co., Ltd. Shanghai White Magnolia bear 85% of the Group carton packaging production tasks.


Par helenprinting le mardi 15 février 2011


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