Hobart, Washington USA (Articles Base) July 10, 2008
The 3D Printer Rapid Prototype Design Process is a new webpage that was just added to the new Prototyping Website that has just been released. This new 3D brochure Printing Prototype webpage has all of the information you need to know of 3D Printing and 3D Prototyping and the main information you need to know on 3D Printer Rapid Prototyping. You can visit this 3D Printer Prototyping Process webpage at:
Here is an excerpt from the new 3D Printer Rapid Prototyping and Designing webpage:
orking: All the 3D printers posses five basic process functions for creating a three-dimensional model.
First - The Print Surface is fed with a unique powder.
Second - The powder is spread on print surface by a roller at a preset depth. This process takes just a few seconds for its completion.
Third - Color is applied to the powder initial layer by the Standard Inkjet Print Heads.
Fourth - The solidification of powdered layer takes place.
Fifth - The lowering of print surface for powder another layer is enabled.
This process goes on repeating till the completion of the whole 3D model occurs. The mixture of Ink Jet Color and powder results in formation of a bond. The solidification occurs this way. So, if no printing is carried out at the specified layer or location, the powder retains its state, i.e. it does not get solidified. Once the brochure printing process comes to a halt, the powder gets blown out, thereby leaving the output which is the reflection of the original model or drawing. Depending on complexity and size of output, this process takes around an hour.
The new 3D Printers Rapid Prototype page is free information to members and non-members and can be found at: However, users of Prototype Zone who decide to be members can join for free and receive two free E-Books on Rapid Prototyping for a limited time offer. Prototype Zone will be adding new information all the time on Rapid Prototyping so check back often in the forum and blog for the latest information at:
About Prototype Zone: Prototype Zone is the leading information source and community website for all things about Prototyping and Rapid Prototyping. Visit the website to join for free and receive two free ebooks on Rapid Prototyping for a limited time offer.
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