China Corrugated Industry To Become A New Growth Point

The global Financial Crisis, some European and American companies to buy Packaging Printing Equipment reduced the demand on expensive equipment, turn to look locked in the same performance but lower prices in China Corrugated paper Box Package Device, this has brought good news for domestic enterprises. "Sino-Corrugated 2009 exhibition" Overseas On-Line Registration table shows, from the United States and Europe Carton Equipment manufacturers are very interested in China and hoping to show that China and well-known corrugated packaging equipment manufacturer contacts.

In the current competitive situation, to occupy the international market, expanding export channels, the expert for the China corrugated packaging equipment suppliers over to help, mainly in the following areas.

First, expand the use of corrugated board to promote the development of the industry. Corrugated cardboard corrugated extension product is on duty full use of its unique advantages, the use of alternatives to meet or exceed the function of the use of alternatives to improve function, to create a superior cost performance to win customers. In China, corrugated cardboard Yanzhan product is still in development stage, potential customers are still being gradually developed, and use of corrugated board manufacturers in the development process, should be fully carried out market research, analysis of corrugated board Yanzhan potential market for space products and find the real market growth. For example, to export products, corrugated cartons from the market in the enterprise should first find a good starting point, and then developed an extension of corrugated cardboard products, the successful application of export products, the mass extended to domestic products, and gradually form a corrugated cardboard the size of extended products production.

Second, consistent with Environmental protection Trends, speed up the packaging industry, "3R" process. Corrugated board itself has some environmentally friendly, low cost, light weight, wide variety of sources of raw materials, types and easy to facilitate the formation of complex processing and mass production. In recent years, green packaging materials in the development, production, circulation, recovery is not the whole life cycle of the environment pollution. Corrugated paper packaging materials as green in China have developed rapidly, the amount of paper packaging materials account for 60%% or more, and began to extend to other areas. Increasingly strong voice in the international environment today, and take environment-friendly development is inevitable for each business considerations.

Once again, become corrugated box in the Sell , The field of transport packaging a new growth point. As the economy continues to develop, merchandise sales market continues to expand, more and more used corrugated outside the traditional areas. In recent years, new types of corrugated cardboard boxes and a new structural element to emerge. Traditional application of corrugated cartons mainly, Box . In particular, in line with international standards and our national standard; short-tailed bird of the standard; short-tailed bird boxes. However, as a new type of corrugated cardboard packaging industry applications in the field of deep-level development will bring immeasurable corrugated box industry development opportunities. For carton enterprises, corrugation gradually thin, wide market gradually. For example, the trade off is the use of micro-wave production of corrugated packaging, micro-corrugated cardboard packaging into new economic growth point of business. More and more users are beginning to realize the advantages of micro-corrugated packaging production of micro-corrugated packaging is the direction of market development and huge market potential. Many other micro-corrugated export products are chosen as the outer packaging.

Par helenprinting le mardi 15 mars 2011


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