Carton Box Printing Technical Control Analysis Essentials

Cardboard box cartons and packaging design of the new type of trend

Small Carton , Paper products, often co-existence of various structural layout. If both print-based layout to the ground, but also netted, text, lines and patterns exist in the printing field layout; both spectra can not display color of gold, silver sections, there are spot colors, four colors co-exist in the layout. If the use of Offset printing , Letterpress (or gravure printing, etc.) of different printing processes, printing processes have the advantages of features, combining more than craft of printing paper box, carton, etc. Package Products, can raise the intrinsic quality of the product. Offset printing reproduction process effect, soft tone, dot clear printing rich layers, printing large sections appear difficult to stick dirty unhealthy products. The letterpress, gravure printing process with full ink thick, colorful, high gloss and so on. Therefore, the advantages of using different printing processes, respectively, to print those reticulate, text, lines, and both the product design field, and the layout of various colors, set the advantages of different printing methods, using technology "synthetic" to print the same products, can make better utilization of the equipment given full play, but also enable product quality and economic benefits to improve synchronization.

Printing process combined with a reasonable variety of arrangements
Offset printing process with light pressure, printing and deformation is relatively small, and the product difficult to stick dirty over there end of the phenomenon, it is suitable for printing chromatic textured version, lines, small text, large shade maps and field layout.

The embossed technique can achieve higher for one-time ink, more suitable for printing gold, silver ink layout, field, line or text layout. From the characteristics of the printing, the offset craftsmanship thin ink, ink is also easy to dry, and the product did not produce convexity marks do not affect the normal overprint letterpress. The letterpress craftsmanship and ink drying too slowly, the chromatic number of normal causes some adverse effects. Therefore, the plastic overlay convex combination of products, the general order should be: first page offset printing, letterpress printing after page; small print first page, post pages of large print; opacity of the ink is printed, the ink transparency, after strong India, such as red and yellow (plus exceptional white ink diluted) pages of overprinting black text or graphics can be printed before the black page, the other after the color printing, such as overprint color transparency of the strong, black can still reveal the plain black color.

Variety of technical control of printing process combines essential
1, do pre-press Design Control of process technology
Letterpress site layout to avoid a fight with the color version of the small yin line and text, to avoid pressure for the ink can not fully take into account, prone to uneven paste version and pressure, which effects the quality of printing products. Convex plastic overlay of the site layout should have as much as possible distance, so that overlay layout left some gaps around the edges or the edge of appropriate expansion of light-colored pages (to page edges can be laminated overlay cover live), this minor overprint inaccurate not easy to detect the naked eye.

2, do make-up Technical Control The site layout has overprint fight should be near the seams and pull rules (side rules) Department, in order to avoid stretching the paper the changes are not allowed to produce the phenomenon of overlay. In addition, the page "river and" (every other core) Forum chromatography or larger layout, not fight for the overlay in two separate processes.

3, attention to rational use of offset printing Plate
PS version A thin plate, install the drum surface after the package is relatively small angle of the Indian version of the elongation rate is also smaller, and it can be compared with the roller to maintain close contact with convex rubber products help to improve overlay accuracy, Therefore, the offset printing process should be selected for printing PS version.

4, pay attention to the good care of the bottom plate technology control
Small size of packaging is often used on or off the round four-level structure of letterpress printing press for printing, the printing plate material properties to the end of care, the printing pressure and ink quality overprint precision effects are more large effect. The end of the traditional wooden tray, less solid material, Founder Degree, smoothness and stability than less, prone to deformation from the bow and the printing quality is difficult to guarantee. Therefore, Toppan Printing should be firm, smooth, Founder and good stability of magnetic aluminum or cast iron and other metal materials Edition sets the bottom tray, this is the set of standards and improve product quality based ink.

5, pay attention to good technique off the printing pressure control
Print uniform but moderate pressure should be adjusted, the pressure is too large print runs is easy to tensile deformation, causing overprint not allowed, so the pressure required letterpress printing process must not be too large, but should try to light the printing pressure page ink in meeting even the premise full of ideal printing.

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Par helenprinting le vendredi 11 mars 2011


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