The Correct Way To Transport Hazardous Materials

Shipping hazardous materials or Hazmats involve extra care. This is one of the reasons why the UN certified paper bag regulation was implemented. This is also the reason why 4GV boxes were created. To learn more about the advantages of UN certified packaging, continue reading. To put it succinctly, the UN certified packaging regulation was released in relation to the transport of dangerous or hazardous goods, also known as hazmats. Further more, this regulation was implemented to protect, not just the goods, but the ecosystem and the general public as well. On the other hand, containing hazardous materials inside a 4GV box is not enough. To ensure the highest level of safety of Hazmats, 4GV boxes must also be correctly packaged and sealed before transporting them. However, trained personnel are the only individuals who are granted the utmost authority to do the packaging and sealing. Once it the 4GV box has been correctly packaged, it can now be delivered.
4GV cardboard boxes are created from unique materials and these were carefully chosen to properly and safely support hazardous materials once inside the box. Inside the 4GV boxes are convulated urethane foam that safeguards containers of products. It is then inserted in a corrugated box during delivery. The use of these type of packaging ("V" packaging), allows you to transport several containers of Hazmats. Apart from these, 4GV boxes also have absorbent cushioning materials that are situated in void spaces within the box. This protects and prevents breakage that could lead to irreparable problems

4GV boxes that are UN certified packaging are not only used to ship hazardous materials but other lab samples also. Normally it can take care of a variety of inner containers. As long as the boxes met the demands of the ISTA and UN, you're good to go.

Try to find and pick out vendors who have in-depth packaging knowledge in design, testing and customization of UN certified packaging. To steer clear of confusion, when you see vendors who provide these products (i.e. 4gv Box), using different names, such as DOT approved packaging, UN approved packaging, etc., don't forget that they are all one and the same.

It is vital that, if you're in the manufacturing or shipping and delivery business, you adhere to the UN certified packaging regulation. This was established to protect surrounding environment, the general public and the hazardous goods as well. Not following the regulation is equal to breaking the law.

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Par helenprinting le jeudi 03 mars 2011


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